Sunday, December 12, 2010

Happy Birthday

At 3:01 this morning, I entered my thirty-seventh year.

When I was little, I looked forward to my birthday for the presents and the party. Then as I hit my young adult years, I looked forward to the phone calls, cards, and "Happy Birthday" wishes. As I neared thirty, I still appreciated birthday wishes but began to look forward to my birthdays less as I began to view them as markers of age. Now that I have a beautiful daughter of my own, my perception of birthdays has changed. For the first time, I truly valued a birthday for what it really is - a celebration of life regardless of presents, cards, or the number of candles on the cake. As a new mom, I can now fully appreciate the best gift given to me, the gift of life.

As the first day of my thirty-seventh year draws to an end, I am humbled and extremely appreciative of the gift my mom gave to me. Thank you, Mom, for life.

1 comment:

  1. I am the proud Mama of the "now entering her 37th year" Andrea Bowles. I am excited that she is able to be a stay at home Mom (as I was) and spend every minute with her sweet daughter Julia Grace (aka Baby Bee). Have fun my daughter, and enjoy the moments....they are fleeting.But even as they are fleeting, they are also so rewarding and exciting :o}
